Physical Education

At Little Gaddesden School, we are committed to developing every child’s physical literacy, ensuring that by the time they leave us in year 6 they will have a positive and meaningful relationship with movement and physical activity.

KS1 and 2 have a minimum of two hours of timetabled lessons each week. P.E. at Little Gaddesden is sequenced across the year groups to develop, refine, extend and introduce a range of skills which build upon the 7 fundamental movement skills for use in sport- and game-specific settings. For this reason, the P.E. long-term plan does not adhere to a two-year rolling programme as in other subjects. 

In EYFS, there is one hour of timetabled P.E. each week. This is supplemented by active ChIL time and OAA (‘Learning in the Woods’).

As a school, we are dedicated to ensuring children in all year groups are achieving ‘Active 60’. This is the aim to average 60 minutes per day of physical activity across the week. To achieve this, we offer a range of before and after school sport clubs from Monday to Friday; our Year 6 Sports Ambassadors lead lunchtime clubs to encourage active playtimes; we are a Daily Mile school; we have purchased every child their own skipping rope, following the success of a visit from Skip2BFit.

PE – National Curriculum

PE at Little Gaddesden – planning overview

PE at Little Gaddesden – Road map


At Little Gaddesden School, we have created a P.E. curriculum with the intention to give all students the knowledge they need to develop and succeed both within their lessons and beyond school life. We offer an ambitious, carefully planned scheme of learning, which has been designed to inspire a lifelong enjoyment of physical activity and ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development. We provide a safe and supportive environment for pupils to become physically competent and confident, starting with the focus on fundamental movement skills in EYFS and throughout KS1. This progression of skills is built upon across a broad range of sporting activities up to Year 6, with thought given to repetition, long term memory recall and an understanding of the links between the broader areas of P.E.
Expectations in lessons are clearly demonstrated, in line the wider school ethos, through instruction, demonstration and tailored feedback.  We have the same ambitions for all learners in P.E. and adopt a fully inclusive approach. Our lessons and competitions (intra, inter and personal) seek to cover and embed the School Games six key sporting values:

  • Determination
  • Self belief
  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Teamwork
  • Passion

P.E. is seen as a key way to promote a culture of resilience, cooperation, problem solving, fairness, respect and collaboration to pupils, while also instilling the importance of continuing an active way of living throughout their lives.


The school will fully adhere to the aims of the National Curriculum for Physical Education to ensure that all children enjoy challenging and engaging learning in their P.E. lessons, delivered through a range of sporting activities. Our long term plan has been organised in consideration of the children’s needs, prior learning and the changing weather. P.E. at Little Gaddesden is taught twice a week, with two sporting disciplines covered every half term. The swimming and water safety curriculum is covered in Class 3 (Years 3 and 4), usually in the summer term. Any children who do not achieve the required 25m swim during this time are picked up for booster sessions when they are in Class 4 (Years 5 and 6).

In a P.E. lesson you will see the consistent routines of a warm-up, main learning opportunities, plenary and cool down. There are opportunities for children to work independently and as part of a larger group, and partner collaboration is encouraged through our ‘Head, Heart, Hands’ approach (thinking; social/emotional; ‘doing’ aspects of P.E.). Children’s performances are assessed across these criteria. 

Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities, with sports clubs available every morning before and after school. The clubs change every term in order to cater to a range of abilities and preferences. Active play times are a key part of ensuring that physical activity is a natural part of our school day. The children have access to a variety of equipment at break and lunch times, plus more structured game scenarios are led by our Year 6 Sport Ambassadors. Teachers also support children to achieve the Active 60 principle elsewhere during the day through movement breaks, the Daily Mile and encouraging alternative ways of travel to school. 

The school organises activity workshops or experiences on a regular basis to expose children to less familiar sporting disciplines. This includes dance from different cultures, fencing and various OAA challenges. Intra- and inter-competitions are also run and attended throughout the school year, with our aim to include 100% of our children in a competitive sporting event.


P.E is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that, if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life. A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. At Little Gaddesden, we provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. Through strong links with PHSE, we promote the overall well-being and health of each child through teaching about self-discipline and that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility of their own health and fitness.

Teaching and learning styles and strategies provide opportunities for children to participate in a range of activities and evaluate their own performance. Careful planning ensures time is spent in organising and resourcing lessons and activities. Children experience a range of opportunities to work individually, in pairs or in groups over time.

Local Sports Clubs Contact Details

Little Gaddesden Tennis Club

Little Gaddesden Youth Football Club

Little Gaddesden Cricket Club