Church School
The school holds Harvest, Christmas and Easter services in the Church. In addition, a Year 6 Leavers’ service takes place there at the end of the Summer Term. All of these services are well supported by parents and friends.
Our vicar is a school Governor and regularly leads Collective Worship in school, and we also have strong links with Northchurch Baptist Church in Berkhamsted. In recent years, classes have also visited other churches in our Diocese to take part in special services, such as Harvest in St Albans Abbey, or Christmas services at Sunnyside Church in Berkhamsted.
Collective Worship
Our acts of Collective Worship, designed to develop Christian knowledge and spirituality, are central to the life of our school.
Once a week we gather as a whole school for a short service, usually led by the Vicar who is assisted by children and staff. At another point during the week each class will have their own, more intimate Collective Worship led by the Class teacher and children. This is a highlight of the children’s week.
Other acts of Collective Worship are led for the whole school by teachers and visitors. The whole school regularly attends special services in the Parish Church, at which parents and villagers are always welcome.
Our School Prayer
Oh Lord,
Bless our school, that working together and playing together we will learn to serve you and help one another,
Links with the Community
We are proud of our children’s desire to help those around them and in the wider community. As a school, we support local, national and international charities at various points throughout the year.
Two classes sponsor a child overseas through Action Aid; we participate in Comic Relief and Children in Need fundraising; we support the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal; DENS; Christian Aid, and the Royal British Legion.
In addition to this, the older children are confident in organising their own fundraising efforts for charities that are important to them. This year the children have independently run stalls for Great Ormond Street Hospital, Blue Cross, the Hospice of St. Francis and Cancer Care.
British Values
To read our British Values Statement, click here.