Sports Premium

Sports Premium Funding Statement 2023-24

What is Sports Premium Funding?

The Government is providing primary schools with extra funding for the academic year to improve provision of physical education and games in primary school. This funding, provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, is ring fenced and therefore can only be spent on improving provision of PE and sports. Funding is £16,000 plus an extra £10 per child aged 5-11 years.

Our Priorities for the current Year

  • To use the sports premium money to enable the following:

– increased support for teachers to deliver high quality PE lessons

– an increase in the number of extra-curricular opportunities by introducing new clubs as a tool to develop self-esteem, confidence and behaviour in selected groups of children

– to provide support for Y6 sports leaders to develop leadership skills.

  • To provide transport to sporting events to ensure inclusiveness of all children.
  • To continue to update our PE curriculum resources and upskill teaching staff to deliver high quality PE lessons.
  • To further develop our outside learning spaces with a focus on cross-curricular links with PE and physical activity e.g. Forest School.

Proposed Impact

  • More children will have opportunities to take part in extra-curricular clubs. Children’s confidence will increase and raise self-esteem and resilience.
  • Teachers will have support to deliver their PE lessons e.g. with getting out equipment, assessments, splitting class into groups to extend and support more and less able pupils all of which will increase the overall quality of teaching and learning in lessons.
  • Upskilled teaching staff delivering PE lessons in games, gymnastics, dance.
  • All children will have an option to attend sporting competitions without the financial implications.
  • To increase physical activity across the curriculum.

 Previous Sports Premium statements

Evidencing the impact of Primary PE & Sports Premium 2022-23

Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE & Sports Premium 2021-22

Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE & Sports Premium 2020-21

Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE & Sports Premium 2019-20

Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE & Sports Premium 2018-19

Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE & Sports Premium 2017-18