Statutory Information

School Contact Details: click here to find out how to contact the school

Admissions Arrangements:  click here to read our Admissions Policy

OFSTED Reports and Performance Data:  click here to read our latest OFSTED Report

SIAMS report: click here to see our latest SIAMS report

Safeguarding information: click here to read our safeguarding statement

Performance tables:  click here to see the DfE Performance Tables

Curriculum:  click here to see our Curriculum pages and links to subject-specific National Curriculum information

Behaviour Policy:  to read our Behaviour Policy, click here

Complaints Policy:  to read our Complaints Policy, click here

Pupil Premium:  for details of our Pupil Premium funding and spending, click here

Covid Catch-up:  for details of our Covid Catch-up approach and spending, click here

PE & Sport Premium:  for details of our Sport Premium and PE provision, click here

Special Educational Need (SEN) Report:  to read about our SEN provision, click here

Equality Policy:  to read our Equality Policy, click here

Governors Information & Duties:  click here for information about our Governing Body

News from the School Governors: click here to read the latest Governing Body Newsletter and Annual Financial Report from Chair of Governors

Schools Financial Benchmarking: click here for details

Charging & Remissions Policies:  to read our Charging & Remissions Policies, click here

Vision, Values & Ethos: to read about our Aims & Values, click here

Requests for paper copies:  if you require a paper copy of information on the school website, we are able to provide this free of charge.