The staff and governors are committed to providing the highest levels of achievement for every child admitted to the school. The teachers have high expectations of every child and will accentuate the positive in behaviour, work and attitude. They recognise that learning is most successful when it takes place in a happy, sensitive and secure environment. They will encourage every pupil to show concern for others and to value each others’ contributions.

The implementation of our aims, and our approach to supporting children’s learning, is included in our Inclusion and Equality Policies which can be found on the Policies page of this website or as hard copies from the school office.

Admission for a child with Special Needs is, as for all children, in line with the governors’ Admissions Policy. A meeting would be held with all concerned if a child with an EHCP were to attend school, so that appropriate provision could be made.

Click here to view our LG SEN Information Report 

Click here to view our statement regarding quality SEND provision

Click here to view the Hertfordshire Local Offer information page

Click here to view the Hertfordshire SEND Offer

Click here to view the Hertfordshire Social, Emotional and Mental Health Quality Offer

Click here to view to Hertfordshire Autism Quality Offer

Click here to view the Hertfordshire Speech, Language & Communications Needs Offer

Click here to view the Hertfordshire SEND Five Year Strategy

School Provision

Click here to download our School Provision – Special Educational Needs & Disability

The implementation of our aims, and our approach to supporting children’s learning, is included in our Special Educational Needs Policy document.  Any parent may read this document, which is available from the school office.

Admission for a child with Special Needs is, as for all children, in line with the governors’ Admissions Policy.  A meeting would be held with all concerned if a statemented child or a child with an EHC Plan were to attend school, so that appropriate provision could be made.

Staff Support for Special Educational Needs Children

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and Teaching Assistants.
Little Gaddesden School has a member of staff working as their Autism lead.
(These provisions are subject to review according to need and available funding.)