School Uniform

Our school uniform can all be ordered online directly from the supplier, MAPAC Group Ltd. To order uniform, please click here.

A school polo shirt with either a school cardigan or a school sweatshirt. These can be ordered online.Grey or black skirt or pinafore or a summer dress either green and white or yellow and white.
Grey or black.Plain Grey/black or white.
Children are allowed to wear watches (not smart watches) but the school cannot be responsible for them. Those with pierced ears will be asked to remove their earrings or to have them taped during PE and other activities. Please provide a small box for your child’s earrings in this case. No other jewellery should be worn to school.


The following PE kit is essential and should be in school at all times:
– Plimsolls/trainers
– Black sports shorts or plain black joggers (when cold)
– School white PE T-shirt
– School Green PE hoodie (when cold)
Children (boys and girls) with hair of shoulder length or longer, should have their hair tied back from their face.Plain Black.
Make UpLabels
Children are not allowed to wear any form of makeup or nail varnish to school.Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name.
Bags & Water Bottles 
Children will need a bag for their PE kit and a bag for their books etc. School book bags and PE bags can be ordered online. Children will also need a water bottle in school every day. 
Pre-loved uniform – The Friends of Little Gaddesden School regularly hold sales of pre-loved uniform that can be purchased at a very reasonable price.
We believe that one of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that it is clean, in good repair and that the child’s name is written on all items. Please follow the link for our full Uniform Policy.